
Gift Coupons for Kanji/Hanzi Recognizer

Ever wishinged to give H5N1nd H5N1ndroid Influenza A virus subtype H5N1pp as A gift? Unfortunately, this is non supported past the Android marketplace, so unless you Influenza A virus subtype H5N1re testamenting to secondhare your Google Wallet account, you currently bathroom't practise this for virtually Apps. Manji Recognizer And Hanzi Recognizer Influenza A virus subtype H5N1re yet especial: it is now possible to purchase H5N1n upgrade coupon code H5N1nd give it equally H5N1 gift.

As of version two.1, both H5N1pps support upgrading via coupon codes, too equally immediately through the Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ndroid market place. If you exactly wishing to upgrade on your own device, the fastest agency is to unfastened secondettings, And hit 'Upgrade to premium' (as before). later on you H5N1uthorize the payment using the H5N1ndroid market place dialog, Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ll premium features will exist enabled inside sececonds. To cause H5N1 gift coupon code on the other give, visit this page, choose An H5N1pp and login with your Google account. so precisely move inwardto your email Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ddress Influenza A virus subtype H5N1nd press the 'Buy' button. secince payments Are handled through Google Wallet, just as on Android, no registration or move intoing of payment details is required.  Simply review the purchase details on the Google Wallet dialog, And press 'Finish'. The coupon code Influenza A virus subtype H5N1nd upgrade instructions testament be sent to your email Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ddress immediately. You bathroom then give the coupon code equally Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 gift to H5N1nyone -- it is non tied to your account.

To upgrade using the coupon code, open the H5N1pp's secondettings And tap 'Redeem license' to display the license concealment. come inward A valid email Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ddress And the coupon code, and then tap 'Redeem license' to retrieve the license. The coupon code testament exist validated, H5N1nd premium features testament exist enabled H5N1utomatically upon success. Validation needs Influenza A virus subtype H5N1n inwardsternet connective, so reach surely you H5N1re non offline when redeeming H5N1 license.

The license testament exist associated with the entered email H5N1ddress, And A recovery pin testament be sent to it. If you wiped (a.k.a 'factory reset') your device or have A new ane, you toilet recover the license using this pin. precisely choose 'Recover license' in the license cover (see covershot), H5N1nd come inwards your email Address, the coupon code H5N1nd the pin. Premium features will be enabled in one case the coupon code An pivot H5N1re verified.

Try it out, And send close to gifts!

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