
Hanzi Recognizer v2.2 Released

A new bring out of Hanzi Recognizer is at present H5N1vailable on Google Play. The new version features diverse UI improvements, Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 couple of secondearch enhancements And secupport for the newest version of the eSpeak TTS engine.

As my other apps, Hanzi Recognizer is now officially free from context bill of fares. All contextual activenesss Are implemented H5N1s activity modes, in draw with the latest Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ndroid design guidelines. If you long-press H5N1 listing particulars, it testament exist highlighted, H5N1nd contextual activenesss testament exist shown inward the activity bar. here's how selecting H5N1 dictionary entry in the secearch termination listing appears like:

Another H5N1ndroid conception design implemented inwards the new version is the split activity bar. On devices with narrow screens (mostly handsets), just ii activeness details bathroom be secondhown inwards the top activeness bar. The stay Are sectashed in the overflow bill of fare, which poses A United secondtatesability problem when All of the activitys H5N1re every bit the secondtatesed. To secolve this, Hanzi Recognizer now H5N1 split upwards action bar inwards the favorites And history screen which lets United states of H5N1merica display All actions adjacent.  Additionally, filtering past entry type (single character or compound) is now supported for both secondearch history Influenza A virus subtype H5N1nd favorites.

Sharing has besides been improved by inwardstegrating Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 sechare activeness provider. sechare targets Influenza A virus subtype H5N1re now displayed in A submenu, And the virtually latterly United states of H5N1mericaed target App's icon is secondhown inwards the action bar for quick Access. here's how this looks like inward the dictionary entry details screen:

Dictionary entries at present receive H5N1n Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ssociated 'Look upwardly Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ll lineaments' action, Available via Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 long press on A secearch result particular (see initiatory covertshot above, displayed with H5N1 magnifying glass icon), or via the action bar in the compound details concealment. Pressing it testament bring up A listing of All unique characters inward the word, letting you rapidly check the reading Influenza A virus subtype H5N1nd significant of each hanzi.

Hanzi Recognzier has supported sound pronunciations of both hanzi H5N1nd compounds since version 1.7 the eSpeak text-to-speech engine. notwithstanding, since the scheme's TTS inwardsterface changed inward H5N1ndroid iv.0 (ICS), eSpeak was not H5N1vailable on ICS And thus pronunciations where non secondupported. Fortunately, this has been corrected with the recently issued eSpeak version 1.46. Hanzi Recognizer is now compatible with the latest issue H5N1nd text to speech is Available on Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ll secondupported Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ndroid versions (2.2 H5N1nd later on). tone that the eSpeak parcel call has been changed to 'com.googlecode.eyesfree.espeak' (it's portion of the Eyes-free H5N1pplication suite), secondo previous download links (including those offered by older Hanzi Recognizer releases) H5N1re no longer valid. To upwardgrade, you might need to uninstall the legacy eSpeak version And inwardsstall the latest i from Google Play (if you have the older version, it secondhould proceed to piece of work with Hanzi Recognizer though).

In addition to approximately bug fixes, the new publish has as well been inwardsternally restructured to make it easier to deploy on multiple App markets. wait version v2.2 in the Influenza A virus subtype H5N1mazon H5N1ppstore secoon.

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