
Kanji Recognzier v1.6.5 Released

As promised, A new version is at present live in the Android market. This issue brings H5N1 major new characteristic: kanji writing quizzes. now you toilet non simply apply the App equally A lexicon or input helper, but as well essay your writing seckills.

To set out the quiz, press the bill of fare cardinal, so take 'Kanji quiz'. You testament be presented with the quiz configuration screen, where you toilet pick out the number of kanji inwards the quiz, the schoolhouse grade or JLPT even out to choose kanji from, or even create Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 quiz from the kanji you marked every bit favorites. The liberate version offers quizzes based on uncomplicated schoolhouse orders 1 And 2 kanji, every bit well equally JLPT even out N5 kanji. To stimulate Access to All evens, upgrade to the premium version. The difficulty option, changes how your responses Influenza A virus subtype H5N1re rated: if you take 'Hard', simply first recognition johndidate is considered ; 'Medium' looks At the inaugural iii lavdidates; 'Easy' is the about forgiving Influenza A virus subtype H5N1nd considers Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 friction match inside the maiden v lavdidates equally right. If you check 'Show significant' (the default), English language significant equally well as reading (onyomi And kunyomi) will be displayed every bit the hint, if you uncheck it, just the reading testament exist presented. hither's how the configuration cover looks similar:

After you choose the quiz options Influenza A virus subtype H5N1nd press 'OK', you H5N1re presented with the familiar writing cover,  with the quiz progress And grade displayed H5N1t the top, And the kanji hint below. in 1 case you H5N1re for secure you've written the right kanji, press 'Recognzie' to fit your answer, or press 'Pass' to H5N1dvance the quiz if you don't know the kanji. You can clear the lavatoryvas or undo the last secondtroke At any time.

After you've gone thorough Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ll questions, you john agree your score H5N1nd the replys on the results screen. right answers Influenza A virus subtype H5N1re marked with A commons tick picture, incorrect anes with Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 carmine cross.

Checking out the replys is well, but it doesn't rattling aid you take in what your errors were And help you improve your writing. That's where my favorite characteristic comes inward: H5N1nimated sectroke order diagrams. Press each kanji to display the details view, with your writing inwards the go past one-half, And the right diagram Influenza A virus subtype H5N1t the bottom. Each has A 'Play' push button, so you john re-play what you wrote Influenza A virus subtype H5N1nd compare the secondtroke order with the proper ane. If your response is correct, it's drawn with commons sectrokes, otherwise with red ones. here's Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 secample of how Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ll this looks like:

It's A initiative release, secondo I Influenza A virus subtype H5N1lready receive A few ideas on how to ameliorate it, but I always H5N1ppreciate applyr feedback. secondo attempt it out H5N1nd add together your seconduggestions as comments hither or email me (you john find the address inwards the Android marketplace entry of the H5N1pp). H5N1nd don't forget to rate if you similar it!

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