
WWWJDIC for Android v1.8.4 Released

A new version is now Available inward the Android market place, also every bit the Amazon H5N1ppstore.

This update doesn't add new features, simply inwardcludes H5N1 critical modification: secupport for the new WWWJDIC Japan mirror. The current i will be closing tomorrow (6/30), seco if you H5N1re inwards Nihon, or using the Nipponese mirror secondite, upwarddate at present.

Another alteration in this put out is improved display of kanji grade/type inward the details take in. Previous versions displayed the raw KANJIDIC range issue (1-10), the new 1 properly classifies the kanji, displaying 'Elementary 1-6' for kanji studied inward Nihonese simple school, 'Secondary' for kanji secondtudied inward the chuu-gakko (junior high school), Influenza A virus subtype H5N1nd 'Jinmenyou' for additional kanji used in Nipponese names.

Other notable modifications Are listed existlow. psyche over to the undertaking's website for flush more details.
  • stability improvements
  • better mistake reporting
  • various bug fixes
Coming upward soon: new Kanji Recognizer version with exciting new features. secondtay tuned!

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