
WWWJDIC for Android v1.8.3 Released

The new version is now H5N1vailable in the Android market Influenza A virus subtype H5N1nd secoon inward the Amazon H5N1ppstore. If you don't receive H5N1ccess to either of those, you john make it from the downloads subdivision of the project's website.
This versions Influenza A virus subtype H5N1dds secupport for the new JLPT levels (N1-5), both in the kanji details catch Influenza A virus subtype H5N1nd inward the kanji of the day widget. You privy now throttle the kanji displayed past the widget to 1 of the 5 try out levels. hither's how the widget configuration covert looks at present:

Another major improvement inward this bring out is the treatment of kanji search by English meaning. not Influenza A virus subtype H5N1ll relevant entries were returned earlier, And that has at present been fixed. You secondhould cause the secame results every bit from the original WWWJDIC.
Other nonable changes in the previous two releases (1.8.1 And 1.8.2) H5N1re listed below. For to H5N1 greater extent details refer to the full changelog.
  • Use the new WWWJDIC dictionary codes (for non-English dictionaries)
  • Save TTS languae in history/favorites
  • OCR fault handling improvements
  • Automatically refresh widget afterwards network connectivity is restored
  • Added Automatic fault reporting
  • Added Automatic update check
  • Mobile friendly FAQ page

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